For all you patient Pretty Little Liars fans out there, the season five finale was finally going to be the day we have been waiting for after half a decade worth of torture and waiting. We were finally going to get some satisfaction in regards to finding out who that sneaky, sadistic bitch was. Now I don't know about you, but I have always assumed 'A' was a female, I don't know why, but everything that has happened throughout the 5 seasons of PLL has always pointed me in the direction of assuming that a woman's mind was behind all of the mayhem. Maybe because I haven't ever experienced a guy who really has the time or patience to put a bunch of school girls through hell throughout their pubescent years. In my time, I have only dealt with females being bitchy, especially throughout high school but I'm sure every single person has experienced this, and if you haven't, well props to you girl, you got lucky! In my opinion all of what has happened will have been out of jealously and revenge, I mean what else is there? But after the very misleading season five finale, I think we have come to the conclusion that 'A', is indeed a male persona. Who knew? Definitely not us, thats abundantly clear. Jokes on us, I. Marlene King.
So after watching the episode, 10 minutes after the release of the East Coast of the USA (damn right, I'm dedicated), I was sitting on the edge of my seat, when it was coming to the last minute of the shows running time and I was still yet to stare 'A' in the face. Now I was still optimistic, I had one minute left before my PLL dreams were crushed (again), and I was sure it was going to be a dramatic cliffhanger and in the last 10 seconds we were going to see A's face along with the rest of the girls, but once again, we were cheated out of what we rightfully deserve as some of the most dedicated and patient fans out there. We deserve a bloody trophy people. We were only left with the girls stuck in their dollhouse surrounded with nothing but the darkness and giant ass nature reserve. So thanks I. Marlene King, I owe you my respect, for having the ability to write a great show that after all of the dream crushing, I'm still obsessed with. Well played darling, well played.
So now once again, I will wait until June for the new season, but I will try to be a little smarter this time around and the next time someone tells me it's the #BigAreveal, I will just expect another #BigAbetrayal.
Were you disappointed with the season finale or did you love the suspense? If you haven't jumped on the PLL express train, go watch it until your hearts content. Or until it breaks.
Hold onto your hats bitches, season six will be a rollercoaster.
-G xo
I thought the finale was such an amazing episode, so fun and different! I love the dollhouse so much and I'm so happy that Mona's alive! But it was pretty annoying not finding out who A was on the A reveal episode haha! I have a sneaky suspicion it's Jason's twin brother because Marlene said there's a twin and she also said we've met maybe Jason has been switching places with his twin? Ahhh there's endless possibilities though! xx
ReplyDeleteTotally agree, the finale was wicked, a little annoying but wicked all the same. OMG, that is such a good theory! I always thought it was Aria, but I don't think that is the case anymore. I'm so excited to find out who it is! x
DeleteMe too, If we ever do...! We'll probably all be 73 by the time we found out! xx